01.- Who are we?

Stream Hatchet is a company aimed at understanding the Live Streaming market in order to give all agents and stakeholders useful information that allow them to make better and more informed decisions.

02.- Why do we collect your data?

As experts in how the Live Streaming market works, we believe that viewers are the centermost agent and the ones that, by investing time in consuming the content generated by the streaming channels, are making the market grow. As such we want to understand how viewers are and what their demands are in order to help agents in the market improve their content and making the live streaming market grow.

03.- What data do we collect?

We collect your e-mail address and your IP address besides your demographic information as your answers to the questions asked in this survey’s questionnaire.

04.- How do we collect your data and how will it be processed?

We collect your data the moment you submit this form. From this point data will be stored in Stream Hatchet’s servers and processed for market research purposes.

04.1.- Identification personal data:

We collect your email address through a required form question. The reason for this question to be required is for us to have a means of identifying your data for deletion should you require us to do so.
By answering the form, your IP address is automatically collected. We will use your IP address exclusively for geographical location purposes.

04.2.- Non-Identification personal data:

All data other than your e-mail and IP addresses is collected through form questions and used always in an aggregated fashion for viewership profiling purposes. Such data is never to be shared with third parties in a way that it could be directly linked to you.

05.- Why do we collect your email and IP address?

E-mail: We need your e-mail address so we can know which form answers are yours and delete them from our database should you want that we no longer keep track of your participation in our surveys.
IP address: We will only use your IP address for geographical location purposes and this information will only be detailed to country and state (if applicable) in an aggregated fashion.

06.- For how long will we keep track of your answers?


07.- How secure is the data you share with us?

At Stream Hatchet, we believe that ensuring the security of your personal information is of utmost importance. In order to protect such information, we follow a strict policy and have established protocols should a security breach occur. You can check these protocols in the following link: ( link to data security protocols )

08.- What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

As the GDPR states, you are the ultimate owner of your data, even of the one that you decide to share with us. As such, you have the following rights: To exercise the rights stated above, get in contact with demanding to get a copy, edit and/or delete any data we store on your behalf.